Usage Examples

Creating and running a new analysis

The example below shows how to create a new phosphomatics experiment, upload data and parameter files and run the initial data processing routine.

import phosphomaitcs.phosphomaitcs as pa

# Instantiate phosphomatics with your API key
exp = pa.Phosphomatics( key = 'YOUR_API_KEY')

# start a new experiment
# - this retrieves a new datasetToken unique to this experiment

# upload your experimental data

# upload parameter file for your analysis

# call initial data processing routine

# print your datasetToken

The dataset token can then be used to visualise the results in the phosphomatics web server [here](

Accessing a previous analysis

import phosphomaitcs.phosphomaitcs as pa

# Instantiate phosphomatics with your API key
exp = pa.Phosphomatics( key = 'YOUR_API_KEY')

# Set the dataset token for the previous analysis